Monday, March 28, 2016

Green hummus

Green hummus

This recipe comes from Sarah RAven's In Season. It made a fabulous Easter appetizer this year, with radishes, cucumber, and carrots.

1.5 cups dried chickpeas
1 head garlic
2 tablespoons tahini
2 cups Greek yogurt
2 or more cups fresh cilantro, chopped
salt (I think the recipe needs a lot)

1. Soak chickpeas overnight.
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
3.  Drain chickpeas, cover with water and bring to boil. Simmer for 30-45 minutes, until tender but still retaining shape.
4. Put garlic on foil. Slice garlic clove near the top, douse with olive oil, and replace top. Wrap in foil. Bake for 20-30 minutes,  or until cloves are very soft.
5.  Mix it all together in food processo

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Cosmo-Arbor (Pointer Cocktail)

This recipe comes from Aunt Linda - it's a traditional drink at Martini Mist, the beautiful home in Winter Harbor, Maine, that she and Uncle Bruce so lovingly tend and share with family. I usually use a naturally sweetened (with other juices) cranberry juice cocktail. For a tangier version, try using 100% cranberry juice, unsweetened, then substitute more Rose's for the freshly squeezed lime juice. 

1-2 shots cranberry juice (1 C)
1 1/2 shots citron Absolute (3/4 C)
1/4 shot Rose's sweetened lime juice (1/8 C)
1/4 shot freshly squeezed lime juice (1/8 C)
1 shot triple sec (1/2 C)

(for 4)