Thursday, August 2, 2018

bok choy and blueberry salad

Bok Choy and Blueberry salad

I got this recipe from a local farmer's market, but I also find it here: Great late July fare in Michigan! I really like the sweetness. I think it could be served as a dessert salad, alongside a delicate (not-too-sweet) lemon or lime sorbet. 

2 heads of book choy
1 quart blueberries
4 (or more) scallions
2/3 C olive oil (or I think a little less would be okay)
2 T honey
4 T balsamic vinegar
Salt, to taste

1. Chop the vegetables. Combine with blueberries.
2. Combine olive oil, honey, balsamic vinegar. Add to vegetable and blueberry mix. Salt to taste.

Let sit 10-15 minutes before serving.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Chocolate ice cream

Chocolate ice cream 
This one was a hit , although i don't necessarily agree that it is the "best" homemade chocolate ice cream. Problem: it uses sweetened condensed milk, which I think imparts a somewhat odd flavor.
I want to try this one next - it looks dark and rich, almost like a frozen chocolate mousse.