Thursday, October 15, 2015


Slow cooker black beans

This one is super healthy and super yummy. Tonight we served it with roasted potatoes, raw bell peppers, chopped heirloom tomatoes fresh from the garden, cilantro and salsa. Maudemarie loved the beans and devoured them con gusto!  The recipe is easily doubled for a huge slow cooker.

2 quarts (8 cups) chicken broth
a goodly bunch of cilantro, chopped with stems
2 cups black beans (I like to soak them overnight first)
1-2 chopped peppers, such as jalapeƱo, poblano, etc. (optional)

Cook in slow cooker on low for 8-10 hours or on high for 6 hours, or until beans are soft.

Substitute one can of pumpkin puree for 2 cups of the chicken broth. I made this version, along with two jalapeƱos, at Martini Mist (my Aunt Linda and Uncle Bruce's place in Winter Harbor, Maine). It made an amazing accompaniment to freshly harvested steamed mussels!